The ToB Crew gathers once again to discuss the latest in film and television news. This week the guys break down the 'Bumblebee' and, 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' trailers, talk about a Willy Wonka origin film and it's rumoured casting, examine the fallout from the 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' box office flop and ask why some fans thinks it's okay to harass creators online. The big news of the week however was the leaked concept art and story details for 'Avengers 4'. Julian, Dan and, Jeremy dissect all the details and go deep into potential spoilers. All this and so much more on this week's Tower of Babble Podcast!
Read MoreEpisode 112 - Familiar With Rings
It's only Julian and Jeremy inside the proverbial 'tower' this week as they break down the latest in film and television news. The Guys give their impressions on Shane Black's 'The Predator' trailer and how similar it was to 'Venom' in it's ability to underwhelm. Moving on, they discuss the early buzz coming out of 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' following it's world premier and the latest out DC and Warner Brothers, including the possibility of Peter Jackson joining the DC fold. On the TV front it's a focus on what shows are coming back next year and which aren't as it's that time of year when renewal and cancellation announcements are made. All that and so much more on this week's Tower of Babble Podcast!
Read MoreEpisode 96 - Injustice 2
It's just Julian and Daniel in the Tower this week as they discuss the latest in geek news. As seems to be the new norm, a few major trailers dropped since the last episode and are always worth discussing. Including Bladerunner 2049, Star Trek: Discovery and much more. In movie news, Sony surprised everyone by revealing that Tom Hardy has been cast as Eddie Brock in their standalone Venom movie, plus rumours swirl about who might take over as director of the much maligned Flash picture. On the TV side of things, it was a pretty big week, with most of the major networks announcing their fall lineups for their returning shows and some exciting news about some entirely new series. In the gaming world, Dan reviews Injustice 2, the second instalment of the DC themed fighter from the creators of Mortal Kombat. To wrap things up the guys briefly review "Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2" and Julian praises the brilliance of "Handmaids Tale". All this and so much more in this week's Tower of Babble Podcast!
Read MoreEpisode 75 - Suicide Squad
Dan is off on ANOTHER wedding so it's just Julian and Jeremy this week as we review DC’s latest blockbuster; Suicide Squad. Writer/director David Ayer helms this “Dirty Dozen” take on the DCEU which has been completely lambasted by critics since its premiere. But it's not all bad news as the movie managed to rake in a ton of cash at the box office over its opening weekend. Since the rest of the film press seems to have already covered what's wrong with the movie (which, given, there is plenty), we try and concentrate on its few positive qualities. But before we get to any of that, we cover the week's geek news and briefly touch on Geoff Johns’ promotion at DC, The Rocketeer sequel, the new CW Superman, more Nintendo NX rumours and so much more!
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