After a series of self-contained episodes exploring the life of a Bounty Hunter on the run, Chapter 7 begins to bring the story full circle by having the Mandalorian finally confront his pursuers.
Greef Karga extends an olive branch to Mando, hoping to rid Nevarro of the remaining imperial presence, while promising to absolve Mando of all transgressions against the guild. Anticipating the obvious double-cross, The Mandalorian recruits a crew of allies met in previous chapters in order to save the Child and put an end to the mercenary-of-the-week motif. Alongside the redoubtable Rebel Drop-Trooper Cara Dune, and the laconic Ugnaught Kuiil, The Mandalorian allows a repurposed IG-11 to join the crew, albeit reluctantly. After meeting with Greef, surviving a space-dragon attack, and witnessing some impressive force abilities from the Child, the rag-tag group sets out to face the Client and his sinister group of imperial loyalists.
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