Just like that another year has come and gone and with it came some amazing entertainment. So with the New Year only a few days away the ToB Crew sit down to discuss the best and worst of the years offerings. Julian, Daniel and Jeremy each pick their top three favourite television shows, video games and movies from 2016 and reflect on the year that was.
Read MoreEpisode 78 - Stranger Things and PS4 Pro
After spending the last month with a rotating cast of co-hosts the whole gang is back together and ready to talk geek news. Julian, Dan and Jeremy sit down to discuss the latest in genre movie and television as well as the biggest stories in gaming and comics. This week the guys cover Ben Affleck's Deathstroke tease, the dump-truck of money Sony is backing up to Daniel Craig's house, the whereabouts of some Community alum and the the Battlefield 1 open BETA. Of course it doesn't end there as the conversation then leads a discussion on Netflix's Stranger Things and the big Sony announcement of the new PS4 "Slim" and PS4 Pro. All this and so much more in this weeks Tower of Babble Podcast!
Read MoreEpisode 75 - Suicide Squad
Dan is off on ANOTHER wedding so it's just Julian and Jeremy this week as we review DC’s latest blockbuster; Suicide Squad. Writer/director David Ayer helms this “Dirty Dozen” take on the DCEU which has been completely lambasted by critics since its premiere. But it's not all bad news as the movie managed to rake in a ton of cash at the box office over its opening weekend. Since the rest of the film press seems to have already covered what's wrong with the movie (which, given, there is plenty), we try and concentrate on its few positive qualities. But before we get to any of that, we cover the week's geek news and briefly touch on Geoff Johns’ promotion at DC, The Rocketeer sequel, the new CW Superman, more Nintendo NX rumours and so much more!
Read MoreEpisode 74 - Comicon 2016
This week the ToB Crew gathered to discuss all things San Diego Comicon. SDCC was this past weekend and there's almost too much to cover in one show. But before we get into all the nerdy news from the con we wanted to try out a new segment. We're pitting host against host in a word association challenge. After the game we moved into the deluge that is Comicon 2016 coverage. Starting with movies we break down the Justice League and Wonder Woman footage plus everything else from DC and Marvel. We then move into some leftover Star Wars news from last weeks Star Wars Celebrations in London. There was also a whole slew of TV shows to cover as we discussed another heaping amount of trailers, including: CW's The Flash Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow, Marvel's Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Defenders and even DC's new animated series Justice League Action. We wrap things up talking about a few gaming related stories, not the least of which being Pokemon GO and Nintendo's NES Classic.
Read MoreEpisode 73 - Post E3 Catch-up
Its been a slow couple of weeks after E3 stole the show. But we've managed to scrape together stories from across the internets and put together another great ToB Podcast for you. Julian Daniel and Jeremy sit down and discuss all things nerdy, starting with the "mea culpa" set visit that WB put together for DC's upcoming blockbuster; Justice League. After that, there'salways some Star Wars news so we breakdown some of the news that came out of EW's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story exposé before moving on to a whole slew of DC CW news. Not the least of which being the casting of Tyler Hoechlin as Superman and the confirmation of Flash Point. We also breakdown all the latest renewals and cancellations across the TV landscape before wrapping up with a chat about the worldwide phenomenon that is Pokemon Go!
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