Happy holidays to all of the Tower of Babble Nation. We got together early on a holiday morning to record a special year end episode for all of you. Most podcasts wait until the new year to do their top 10 lists but we decided to do something a little different. We compiled a list of not our top 10, but a list of our top 3 games, television shows and movies of 2014. A top 10 is easy, and inevtiably ends up with items you didnt really love at the bottom end. So we decided to make things tough on ourselves and restrict it to a much smaller number and put it up on Christmas Day.
We also touch on a few news bits including the new Star Trek 3 director, Uncharted 4 graphical upgrades, True Detective season 2 casting and much more.
We hope you enjoy this final episode of 2014 and we look forward to another great year in 2015. Enjoy the holiday season and we'll talk to you in the new year.
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