Another pandemic year has come and gone, which means there was a lot of time for movie and TV watching (for better or for worse). But most importantly, it means that it's time for the Tower of Babble Podcast co-hosts to come together to discuss their favorite films and shows from the last year. This year's prestigious Tobie Awards, a now 5-year running tradition, sees a seat change for the first time in its history. To discuss the best of best from 2021, Julian is joined as always, by founding co-host Jeremy Kozier, and for the first time, Rachel Wilkinson takes her place at the podium. Three co-hosts deliver their top three in both a film and television category, then move on to discuss what they are looking forward to in 2022. Let the ceremony begin!
Read MoreEpisode 165 - Tectonic Shifts in Streaming
It's been hot minute since the ToB Crew gathered to discuss the latest in film and TV news, but it’s been worth the wait because there are some gigantuan stories that need to be covered, and some of them will have lasting effects for years to come. Firstly, AT&T is done with WarnerMedia, who will be merging with Discovery to become an even bigger player in the streaming wars. Speaking of streaming, Amazon is making their own moves in that space as they look to acquire MGM. On the more creative side of things, news of a new Batman animated series made waves with the announcement that animation legend Bruce Timm would be executive producing. Plus Marvel dropped a sizzle reel and a trailer for Shang Chi. So there's plenty to cover! Join Julian, Jeremy and Dan as they discuss all these stories, plus much more, on this week's Tower of Babble Podcast!
Read MoreEpisode 160 - Cap Coming Back?
With 2020 now firmly in the rearview mirror, ToB can now return to it's regularly scheduled programming. Or at least as close to it as we can get! It's been a few weeks since a full news show, so there's a lot to discuss. Julian, Dan, and Jeremy break down the biggest stories in the world of film and television, not the least of which being that Warner Bros is apparently doubling down on 'Harry Potter'. They've installed a new VP to oversee the franchise and a live-action series is in early development at HBO Max. On top of that, rumours are swirling about the possible return of Chris Evans' Captain America to the MCU. Plus, Snyder confirms that his Justice League will not be a 4-part series afterall, and instead will be a 4 hour film. Oh did we mention that Amazon's 'Lord of the Rings' series got an official synopsis? Well the guys are covering that too! All that and so much more on this week's Tower of Babble Podcast.
Read MoreEpisode 159 - HBO Max-pocalypse + Disney Investor Day
In a world where really only two studios can make the biggest blockbuster movies, it’s no surprise that when they decide to make a major shift into streaming, that it MAY have an affect on the theatrical experience. The guys discuss the repercussions of Warner Bros. decision to release their 2021 film slate on HBO Max the same day they premiere in theatres. Spoilers, it’s mostly bad news. Though it’s not all doom and gloom, over on the other side of the isle, Disney had their “Investors Day”, where they proceeded to vomit up a years worth of news all in one afternoon. Star Wars isn’t dead as they announced 10 new projects! On the Marvel front we got a closer look at the, soon to be released, Disney+ shows as well as a look at the future of their film slate (which surprisingly won’t be coming to Disney+ day and date). All that and so much more on this week’s Tower of Babble Podcast.
Read MoreEpisode 158 - Fincher Unleashed
As the pandemic rages on, and we adjust to the new normal, so does Hollywood. With news that Wonder Woman 1984 will be coming to HBO Max on Christmas, the future of the theatre going experience becomes even more clouded. Meanwhile, David Fincher is in the press, promoting his latest streaming endeavor ‘Mank’, (and dropping some spicy takes!) fresh off signing a 4-year exclusive deal with Netflix of his own. We watch as the Hollywood landscape is remapped on the fly. But it’s not all doom and gloom! I mean, there’s a ‘Wedding Crashers’ sequel in the works, and a new Predator film coming from Dan Trachtenberg. So there’s SOME hope is all I’m saying. Julian, Dan, and Jeremy also touch on the latest from the Snyder Cut, and weigh in on the pressing subject of whether streaming services should let credits play uninterrupted (you know, the important stuff). All that, and so much more, on this week’s Tower of Babble Podcast.
Read MoreEpisode 156 - Too Soon for the MCU Spider-Verse
With about a month since our last full show, there's been a lot of news piling up. The guys dive into all the juiciest stories to cover the latest in film and television (oh and obviously the biggest story of the month, Steve joining Super Smash Bros). Unfortunately, before getting to the fun stuff, Julian, Dan, and Jeremy, hypothesize about a grim future where movie theatre chains have all gone out of business. It's truly the darkest timeline, but one that seems all too possible, with all the remaining blockbuster releases for this year being moved into next year (or later in some cases). On a more exciting note, the news of Jamie Foxx's Electro joining the MCU for Spider-Man 3, along with Doctor Strange, begs the question if it's too soon to start introducing a multiverse in the MCU. On the DC front, it's discovered that reshoots for the Snyder Cut of Justice League will cost $70 million, and the much maligned streaming service, DC Universe, will officially close its doors as all it's major shows will move to HBO Max (don't worry, it'll live on in a comic book subscription form). Speaking of TV, 'The Boys' is getting a spin-off series, Ted Lasso is renewed for season 2 (I had to mention it) and Nick Fury is getting his own Disney+ series. All that and so much more (I know, I always say that, but this time there's literally so much more stuff!), on this week's Tower of Babble Podcast!
Read MoreEpisode 148 - Pattinson's Batsuit
With awards season now firmly behind us, the ToB Crew can start concentrating in the things that REALLY matter again - things like the Batsuit! Matt Reeves released a brief (and very red) test footage clip of Robert Pattinson in the new Batsuit, so Julian, Jeremy, and Dan combed through each frame to pull out all the possible clues. Meanwhile, rumour has is that Sam Raimi is in talks to direct Dr. Strange 2, the new James Bond theme was released, the insane set technology used on The Mandalorian was revealed and much more! Plus the guys recap their picks from the Oscars!
Read MoreEpisode 136 - San Diego Comic-Con 2019
It’s Christmas in July! Nerd Christmas that is. San Diego Comic-Con is upon us once again and Julian, Dan, and Jeremy are here to unpack all the major news from this year’s con. Including, but not limited to: Star Trek: Picard, new Superman DC animated movies, Top Gun: Maverick, and The Witcher! Then the guys dive deep into the what became THE story from this year’s show; Marvel Studios’ Phase Four slate. From Doctor Strange to Black Widow, and The Mighty Thor to an Oscar winning Blade announcement, Marvel held little back as it revealed it’s plans for the next 2 years. All this and so much more (including a heated Funko Pop debate) on this week’s Tower of Babble Podcast!
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